Fresh Seasonal Garlic Scapes (5 lbs)
If you are looking for Fresh Garlic Scapes They are only available for a short season of 3-4 weeks between June and July (depending on spring weather). Once you get them they will stay fresh in your refrigerator for about 3 weeks. Scapes can be frozen to so you can enjoy them year round. More Information Below…. Don’t delay the days are numbered to get your Fresh Garlic Scapes!
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The Garlic Scape Season Is Short, It Will Most Likely Be Over In About:
You will receive 5 Pounds of Fresh Garlic Scapes sent to you via U.S. Postal Service … how does it get any better than that? Ships In June.
Not sure exactly what garlic scapes are?
Garlic scapes are the flower stalk that grows out of the center of the garlic plant. The scape is snapped off to direct the energy in the plant to develop a healthier and larger bulb which will be harvested in July. Scapes are delicious to eat with a milder garlic flavor.
How are Garlic Scapes Used?
Garlic Scapes can be used many different ways, for example they can be grilled, used in a stir fry, soups, salads, mashed potatoes, and many many other ways. My absolute favorite way is . . . Garlic Scape Pesto. Pesto is surprisingly easy to make and there are several simple recipe’s I am sure you can find, but here is my favorite.
Garlic Scape Pesto
1 cup freshly grated Parmesan Cheese
1–2 tablespoons lime or lemon juice
1/4 pound chopped scapes (1″ in length)
1/2 cup olive oil
Mix the scapes, olive oil, juice, and half of the Parmesan cheese in a blender, I prefer a little texture but you can puree until smooth if you like. Add the rest of the Parmesan cheese and pulse it in but do not over blend. Lastly add a little salt if you like, and adjust the amount of juice to your taste. One last ingredient that I like to add sometimes is a little cilantro for a little different flavor (this is optional). Enjoy!